Round Valley Mendocino College

Address: Round Valley High School 76280 High School Street, Covelo, CA 95428
English as a Second Language
This course will promote the development of beginning grammar skills in the context of authentic language production including reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will expand vocabulary and oral proficiency and develop competency in sentence writing leading into paragraph construction.
Location: Round Valley/Elementary and Middle School, ELL Room. Howard St. & Airport Road, Covelo, CA
Date and Time: Mondays, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 2:35-3:40pm.
GED/HiSET Prep Courses
This series of classes is designed to teach students the basic information and test taking skills necessarily to pass a high school equivalency exam. These non-credit courses will prepare students for either their HiSET or GED test. Must be an enrolled student with the Mendocino College. Fee waivers are available. Instruction in English and Spanish available.
Location: RVIHC Wellness Center, located at 76471 Henderson Ln, Covelo, CA
Date and Time: Mondays & Wednesday from 3:45-6:05
Contact: Monica Gowan @ 707-405-0072
GED/HiSET Testing
This is a series of classes designed to help students pass their high school equivalency exams. This will prepare students for either their HiSET or GED test. Must be an enrolled student with the Mendocino College. Fee waivers are available.
Location: Uptown Merchantile Classroom 73600 Grange St., #3
Date and Time: Tues. & Thurs. from 6:00pm-7:50pm
Contact: Monica Gowan @ 707-405-0072