Ukiah Mendocino College

Address: 1000 Hensley Creek Rd., Ukiah

Basic Skills- Math & English

Basic Skills classes are offered to prepare students to take the HiSET tests for high school equivalency. Please contact the admissions and records at 707-468-3101 or email to register for classes in Ukiah.

For Basic Skills tutoring in Math and English, please contact the Learning Center at 707-468-3046 or email


High School Equivalency

This course will provide instruction and individualized learning plans for preparation for High School Equivalency tests (GED, HiSET & others). The course covers math computation, reading comprehension, sentence and paragraph skills, basic science, social studies, and basic computer skills, as determined through initial assessment. It includes background on testing options and helps the student determine readiness, and prepare them for taking the test.

Location: Due to COVID these classes are now offered online. For more information please see the Mendocino College Catalog, for bilingual assistance with registration and direct support for online classes please call Lilia Alburquerque @ 707.367.0338 or Maricela Gallardo 707.367.0152

HiSET ( High School Equivalency) Testing

Test available in English and Spanish. There is a bilingual proctor. If you are interested in taking a HiSET test please register here and click on the sign in/sign up button. Once you have created an account you can schedule a test online at any location.

Contact: Jackeline Orozco
Call: (707) 468-3000 ext.6662

English as a Second Language (ESL)

All ESL courses can be non-credit or part of a for credit certificate program.

Contact Information: Sarah Walsh 707-468-3122 or

 Level: Preparatory 
This course will help pre-beginning level students to develop reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in English as a Second Language. Students will better understand college resources, gain confidence in an academic environment, and interact in English in a communicative classroom. This course will prepare students for beginning level ESL.
Location: Ukiah Adult School Rm. 9
Date and Time: Tuesday & Thursday 5:30 pm – 7:50 pm
Location: Ukiah Adult School Rm. 9
Date and Time: Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am – 11:20 am
Level: Lab Prep Level
This course will offer support for English as a Second Language (ESL) students in reading, writing, listening, and speaking through supplementary instruction and supervised practice.
Location: Ukiah, Library Learning Resource Center Rm 4112
Date and Time: Friday 10:00 am – 1:20 pm
Level: Oral Communication A
This course will be a beginning level oral communication course designed to improve listening and speaking skills needed for successful interaction in workplace, academic, and social environments.
Location: Ukiah, Library Learning Resource Center Rm. 4112
Date and Time: Friday 4:45 pm – 5:50 pm
Level: Oral Communication B
This course will promote the development of beginning to intermediate oral communication skills. This course is designed to improve listening and speaking skills needed for successful interaction in workplace, academic and social environments.
Location: Ukiah Campus, MacMillan Hall Rm. 1270
Date and Time: Friday 6:30 pm – 8:20 pm
Location: Ukiah Campus, Library Learning Resource Center Rm. 4112
Date and Time: Monday 3:30 pm – 6:20 pm
Location: Ukiah Campus, MacMillan Hall Rm. 1270
Date and Time: Thursday 6:00 pm – 7:50 pm
Level: Beginner
This course will promote the development of beginning grammar skills in context, with authentic language production in the four skills areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students will expand vocabulary and oral proficiency and develop competency in sentence level syntax and longer written assignments. ESL 507 will cover the topics necessary to complete beginning level ESL.
Location: Ukiah, Library Learning Resource Center Rm. 4112
Date and Time: Monday & Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:20 pm
Location: Ukiah, Grace Hudson Elementary Rm. D2
Date and Time: Monday & Wednesday 6:00 pm – 8:20 pm
Level: Intermediate
This course will develop skills in reading, writing, and speaking which will help to prepare students for college-level work in English. Students will continue to develop competency in sentence organization, paragraph writing and the development of longer pieces of writing. Students will improve their confidence in speaking English in academic and other settings. This course will cover the grammar topics necessary to complete the Intermediate level of ESL.
Location: Ukiah, Library Learning Resource Center Rm. 4112
Date and Time: Tuesday & Thursday 12:30 pm – 2:50 pm
Level: Advanced 
This course will develop communicative competence in advanced grammar topics in the context of a variety of writing forms, reading comprehension and speaking, which are necessary for college work in English. Students will improve vocabulary and the ability to use English in the classroom and in other situations. ESL 511 will cover the topics necessary to complete the advanced of level ESL.
Location: Ukiah Campus, Lowery Bldg Rm. 740
Date and Time: Tuesday & Thursday 6:30 pm – 8:50 pm
Location: Ukiah Campus, Library Learning Resource Center Rm. 4112
Date and Time: Monday & Wednesdays 1:00 pm – 3:20 pm

ESL Reading and Writing

This course will prepare multilingual students for ENG 85 coursework. This course focuses on the development of engaged reading, critical thinking, and the development of writing skills through participation in the academic writing process. This course will focus on common challenges and themes with particular relevance for multilingual writers, with a specific focus on 2nd language acquisition and the brain, language and society, and grammatical error patterns which may interfere with meaning.
This course is designed for ESL program certificate holders, high school graduates with fewer than four years of high school completed in the U.S., students who still need language development support and/or have limited/interrupted formal education in the U.S. and /or birth countries, international students, and other Generation 1.5 students. – Recommended prior to taking this course, but is not required.
Location: Ukiah Campus, Library Learning Resource Center Rm. 4112
Date and Time: Wednesday 6:00 pm – 8:20 pm

Beginning Computer Skills I

This course will present basic computer use topics for students with little or no computer experience. Students will learn basic computer terminology and will introduce concepts such as file management and applications. This course will introduce tools and techniques such as keyboarding, using a mouse, selecting/highlighting, and Internet basics and safety.
Location: Ukiah Adult School Rm. 4
Date and Time: Thursday 12:00 pm – 2:50  pm

Computer Lab

This course will provide Mendocino College students with personalized technical assistance on the use of the installed equipment and software on college desktop computers in order to facilitate student research, preparation, and completion of assignments from college courses.
Location: Ukiah Campus, Library Learning Resource Center Rm. 4120
Date and Time: TBD

Academics for Adult Learners

This course will combine lecture and small group instruction with self-paced practice to encourage adult learners with disabilities to reach their educational and employment goals. Learning has no limits. Improving basic education and literacy skills can be the key to long-term self-sufficiency. Become more successful in college coursework or in the job market by increasing skills in reading, writing, mathematics, and communication. This course is designed for adult learners with disabilities.

LRS 500 Academics for Adult Learners. Class is typically offered Fall and Spring semesters for two sections 9-10:50 and 11-12:50, please check the schedule for specific times and options on Mendocino College Courses